
An Interview with Insta360 TV's Hannah - TikTok And What's Next for Insta360 TV

Last week, we launched Insta360 TV, our new YouTube series. It dives into shots tips and tricks with our cameras. If you didn't catch episode one, you can watch it right here.

We decided to interview Hannah, the host of Insta360 TV to tell a little more about the series while giving some insight into growing a social media following on TikTok. Here's what she had to say:

What's the idea behind Insta360 TV? What's your goal with the series?

Insta360 TV, like everything we launch here, was born out of our “Hell, let's do this” philosophy. We have thousands of creators and users who continuously produce outstanding cinematic content with our cameras. However, I thought it was about time that we produce our own in-house content which truly shows the fun and adventure-filled spirit which pulses through our company.

When I first joined Insta360 I was so inspired by the crazy ideas circulating the office, literally, on an hourly basis like “why don't we do this” “what would that look like if we did ..” so I thought, why don't we have our own channel that goes out, tests experiments, talks to our community and essentially, goes on random adventures to tell stories with our products. Alas, Insta360 TV was born.

What kind of content can people look forward to this season? 

You’ll need to subscribe to find out, but in a nutshell, viewers can expect unique camera tricks, insights on how to do them and a fun glimpse of the journey on our quest for these cinematic shots!

It seems like many still has a perception of 360 cameras based on what they saw from some big tech players in 2016, which was frankly, a disappointing showing. What do you think people get wrong about 360 cameras?

360 cameras have, in the past, been perceived as a fad, or just for VR. The way we see it is they allow limitless possibilities for capturing that perfect shot. Our cameras allow users to literally capture the full view of any moment they want to capture, then choose the angle later. This changes the action camera game entirely. We're now at the stage where quality is not a limiting factor for 360 cameras. They allow different perspectives of the same moment and can unlock angles which the user probably didn't even anticipate - what’s not to love about that!

You've had a lot of success on Tik Tok, one of the fastest-growing social platforms in the world. What has been the key to your success there? What kind of content drives TikTok?

As of 2019, TikTok is a very passive platform - granted people may watch the video but in order to make people engage with the videos all lies down to creativity and curiosity. From my experience, the secret to winning content is videos which make people stop, re-watch and feel compelled to ask “How did you do that?”.

When people’s curiosity peaks, it sparks conversation and shareability. In saying that, TikTok is unpredictable. Some videos flop, unexpected ones rise to 2 million views so I have just had to stay consistent and never get complacent on quality.

What's your favorite ONE X shot, either yours or another creator, from this year so far?

I stuck a ONE X on a toy car on a mini race track. It was totally random and fun to watch and got around a million views. However, @guerillamcgavin raving in tiny planet got me dancing watching from my phone.

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WRITTEN BY @Kris Haagensen
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